Baby Girl Multi-piece Set Project
A personal exploration of designs for baby girls onesie sets influenced by my recent experience working at the ballet and summer nights in Wisconsin.
Alice in Wonderland Dress Line
As a part of my Sociology of Fashion class, this project was centered around combining fashion and illustration while understanding sociological topics discussed in class. I chose to relate my artwork to "Happy Objects" in sartorial and created a line of clothes that would be happy objects for me, which combines my love of bright colors, whimsical stories, 1950s styles, and Alice in Wonderland.
A personal exploration of a variety of festive designs based on sweet treats
Kohl's Workshop Project
In this workshop, I was tasked with researching trends, color, and design to create sketches and style boards that would be translated into final graphic and print deliverables that were specific to a Kohl's brand. I focused on the brand Jumping Beans for girls. The final deliverables were created and arranged in Adobe Photoshop and Illustrator.
Extra patterns and graphics: